Teppanyaki is a Japanese barbecue-style of cooking where the meals are cooked in front of guests on flat stainless steel grills. Teppanyaki-style cooking and grilling is quickly becoming a must-have for every home chef’s kitchen, indoors or out, traditional or contemporary design.
At Cook N Dine we offer the UltraDine Teppanyaki Plus Grills which are high-quality BBQ’s that can be built-in to countertops both indoors and outdoors. We also have portable grills that can sit on a table and be moved around as well as Teppanyaki tables that are free-standing and allow guests to sit around them. The type of grill you choose should depend on the number of people who will be cooking on it, and the number of guests that you are planning to cater to on a regular basis.
A typical Teppanyaki grill setup will be made to accommodate multiple cooks or guests at once. However, if there are only two people who will be using the grill at a time, then a smaller sized Teppanyaki setup is more ideal. The UltraDine Teppanyaki Plus comes in a variety of sizes as well as circular and rectangular variations. It can save you a lot of space when compared to a standard grill setup.
There are also many types and styles of Teppanyaki grills available in the market. All of these different models vary in quality. For the best results, you should select a durable and reliable model from a trusted supplier. Luckily, Cook n Dine has you covered with our UltraDine Teppanyaki Plus Range. They are sleek & beautiful cooking appliances that are sure to last for years to come.
Durability is also crucial because even a covered outdoor kitchen is still exposed to heat and moisture. Our UltraDine Grills are made from stainless steel which is extremely resistant to bacteria and heat making it one of the most durable options available. Combining the stainless steel with a sturdy, long-lasting countertop will ensure longevity.
As with any kitchen, an efficient and streamlined layout is essential. All the expensive equipment in the world will be for naught if you constantly have to lug hot, dripping pots from one end to the other. Be sure to locate the sink, cooking surface and fridge within easy reach of each other.
There are endless ways you can arrange your furniture and appliances to accommodate a Teppanyaki kitchen. Creating one outdoors usually requires a fridge, sink, and power source. You can always opt for the portable option but for the best experience integrating your UltraDine Grill with a full kitchen setup is the way to go. It is also a good idea to install your teppanyaki grill on an island rather than a wall so that guests can enjoy the cooking process as well.
Another important aspect of your teppanyaki bbq kitchen setup is adequate ventilation. Proper ventilation is necessary for the safe operation of any cooking appliance. Therefore, if you are looking into getting a teppanyaki grill you need to ensure that the space has vent systems to allow for proper airflow.
There are many things to remember when installing and setting up a teppanyaki kitchen in your home. Luckily, Cook n Dine has you covered. Our staff is knowledgeable and always ready to help so if you need any assistance or advice look no further. Contact us now to get your UltraDine Teppanyaki Plus and wow your dinner guests!